Welcome to our new Instron Community Blog hosted by Instron. It is a compilation of the freshest, brightest, most-talented minds that Instron has to offer. The world of materials science is so vast and encompasses the broadest range of industries, materials, and challenges that no one person can possibly possess all the knowledge required to be the resident expert – or master of materials science. It takes a small army behind the scenes collaborating and sharing technical know-how, experiences, and ideas to present the most accurate, relevant, and timely information to you – our readers.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Going to MD&M West on Valentine's Day?

If you're attending MD&M West in Anaheim, CA, be sure to stop by our booth (#2478) and visit with our crew: Karl Malchar, Theresa Smith, Jim Ritchey, Elena Mangano, and Chuck Gleason.

What better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than putting hearts to the test ... gooey and candy hearts that is, NOT a real human heart!

We performed a few compression tests to measure the force each type of heart could withstand before breaking or "smooshing". Take a look at the videos and give us your best guesstimate on the results. For every correct answer (or answers that are close), we'll send you a gooey Instron heart of your own (who doesn't want one?!?!).

Candy Hearts Part 1
Candy Hearts Part 2


Anonymous said...

What's the material for the gooey heart? pretty sweet properties

Instron said...

The gooey hearts are made from a plastic/rubber material. If you'd like to perform your own test on a gooey heart and send us your findings, email me (socialmedia@instron.com) your contact details and I can send you one in the mail!